The Bernardine Sisters

Moniales Tertii Ordinis Regularis Sancti Francisci Assisiensis Bernardinae – OSFB

The Polish Sisters of the Congregation of the Third Order of Regular Franciscans are dedicated to the spiritual heritage of St. Francis of Assisi   by sharing the love through prayer, meditation, contemplation and poverty.

In the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi, our lives and ministries are rooted in the Franciscan values:

  • Contemplation: a reflection on God and the Christian gospel and on the values therein – human dignity, common good, justice, and much more.
  • Conversion: openness to continuous change and improvement in our interaction with God’s world and a deepening of religious faith.
  • Minority: a sign of our conversion and consecration, to live simply, to have a true and humble faith, to serve and work faithfully and conscientiously, to live with special dedication and joy.
  • Poverty: an understanding and acknowledgment that Jesus, though rich, emptied himself

Our aim is to unequivocally love God, and in Him and through Him all His creation, to serve others and to show them Christ, and to love Mary – the Mother of Jesus.

We believe in the power of prayer and meditation, we separated ourselves from the world by the cloister to be able to, through contemplation, give witness to the faith and to pray for others. In our lives we try to follow the example of Mary, Mother of God, who called herself the handmaid of the Lord.  We are continuing our presence in God through prayer and daily chores, which allow us to financially support ourselves. We hand embroider garments for clerics and other church furnishings and maintain our monastery, church and garden.
However, cloistered nuns are not absolutely forbidden contact with the outside world. We may of course receive letters; and also welcome visitors in the convent parlour, provided that they remain behind the grating, or grille.
An important part of our ministry is correspondence with people who have devotion to the Child Jesus and St Joseph – icons of which are adored in our Church.
We distribute prayer books, leaflets and holy pictures, and also accept donations for Masses for special intentions.


Our postal address is:

The Bernardinian Sisters
Poselska 21,


Tel: 00 44(0)12 422 22 46